Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Menu for Posterity

Today is E3's 6th birthday. My Baby! My Baby is 6 years old!

It's just as cold today as it was six years ago.

I have to bolt out the door in mere moments to go be the classroom helper for her class today...also need to pound some caffeine so I'm prepared to deal with all that...it's only the second day back and at this point I can only imagine the craziness.

Before I go, I will leave you with:

1. The story of her birth (part two here)- the wildest of my labor and deliveries.

2. A photo of her at her party on Saturday:

3. The menu for her birthday party this past weekend - because I came across the list I had made from her 5th birthday party and it's identical. I figure I can just look it up here from now on...

  • fried chicken,

  • macaroni and cheese (Pioneer Woman's recipe this year - yum!)

  • veggies and dip

  • fruit salad

  • ice cream cake.


Anonymous said...

I stayed home from work today, but I actually did work. I went to an urgent care center yesterday afternoon because I was so completely miserable. I was doing ok till about noon and it went downhill from there. My regular doctor couldn't get me in till Thursday at the earilest. I got a cortisone shot and antibiotics. I'm feeling much better, but still sick. Darn sinus infections!

Glenda said...

Happy Birthday to your baby :).

She has good taste in birthday party menus!!

Ali said...

Hope she had a great birthday! (Do you hate the existence of a January birthday as much as I do?)