Look what you can get for $25!
You just have to know the right high school guy.
Our yard is leaf free, but look at our slacker neighbors! Don't they know about hiring high school guys?
They're not really slackers - they're very cool neighbors who are busy just like us. Unlike us, they have a riding lawnmower that will take care of those leaves in one afternoon. They're so cool, they make a point every year of telling us that the girls are welcome to play in their yard and on their swings (now put away for winter).
The lawn is so barren of leaves it's downright startling when I look out the window.
If our yard was any bigger than it is, I'd be hiring the racking out, for sure.
It *is* a weird feeling to look out and see green when you've been looking out at a sea of dead leaves for a couple weeks. When I raked yesterday, I expected the grass to be brown already -- the greenness of it surprised me.
So is there a yard guy who is the equivalent of Sven the Virtual Pool Boy???
Hmmm, I'd have to answer that by saying he's like Sven in work ethic. I don't know him well enough to judge otherwise, but I'd say no, lol. He's a good guy who's not afraid of a little work.
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