Monday, April 05, 2010

Sugar Slowdown

I've been absent due to Easter preparations -but I've got lots of fun photos! Photos of a CRAFT! SO EXCITING!...and I think I may be sugar crashing after yesterday. We seriously need to take the time to sort the candy spoils and put some in the freezer and send some away.

I have a terrible overload of photos I need to get off my camera and upload - I had to break out a new memory card this weekend because I'm a huge slacker when it comes to deleting photos, even after I've uploaded them and the card in my camera cried 'full'.

But first! Kg field trip to a farm tomorrow...and more pictures!

Going to have to chain myself to my computer soon.

Also - I want to share my thoughts on Dancing With The Stars...and Glenda, I'm still working on my thoughts regarding food and stuff. Are you watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? We saw the first night's shows, but missed it last Friday...

...and that reminds me, I need to find time to Hulu that...

Back soon!


Glenda said...

Nancy, no, I haven't been watching Jamie Oliver's show. I used to love watching his cooking show; I did notice the show you mentioned is on Hulu, but I haven't gotten around to watching it (mostly because I think he's going to bash the typical American diet - including ours, and I can do that pretty well on my own LOL).

Anonymous said...

I want to know how you feel about Dancing with the Stars. I am ready for one contestant to be voted off...

Glenda said...

Andrew and I watched the first episode of Food Revolution tonight and have plans to watch the second episode tomorrow night. So far we're liking what we've seen, though some of it is pretty horrifying but, I imagine, fairly typical of an average American family and school.

Unknown said...

Ill look forward to ur thoughts on Danicing with the stars. Doesnt it suck to have tonload of pix but can't upload it at the earliest?