Friday, October 26, 2007

Weekend Link

I leave in an hour or so for shopapalooza. I've still got some last minute packing to finish before E3 wakes from her nap, but I'm mostly organized for mobilization, I think.

There are a couple of websites I've been meaning to mention here, so I'll leave you with them for the weekend. You know, yet another reason to cozy up with your computer.

Good Search is a search engine that will make a donation to charity. I have The ALS Association of St. Louis selected for my searches, but there are other worthy organizations and you only have to type your favorite in to see if they participate. They lay on a guilt warning that you should only do legitimate searches or your organization could be eliminated from the program, which means every time I do a search I feel that it's probably not worthy, but that's probably just me. Also, while I've never had problems, Rob says he doesn't always like the search results so keep in mind that your mileage may vary.

My Life List is the blog of author Jill Smolinski. Her most recent book, The Next Thing On My List was a fun read and her blog is a slightly different spin-off of a "Things To Do Before _____" list.
"I recently gave myself an unusual challenge: EVERY DAY I have to do ONE THING that I've never done before...or that scares me...or that just sounds fun."
It's an interesting read-along in a seeing things from a new perspective kind of way.

Finally, while Dooce is certainly no new discovery, when I've been at the computer for a while E3 likes to demand my attention by asking, "Can you show me some Chuck pictures?" I can rarely refuse - she adores Chuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you had a good time this weekend! I'll be leaving 2 vacation days open so I can go next year.
