Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No Shoes For You!

There is rampant discrimination of wide width feet among shoe stores all over the Midwestern United States.

Or, at least at the outlet mall in Osage Beach Missouri.


Glenda said...

You came back with no shoes??? Oh, that would be such a drag.

Hey, you like funny blogs, right? If you don't already read Crazy Aunt Purl's blog, check it out -- http://www.crazyauntpurl.com/ -- she's a riot. Her book is on my to-read list; I've read the early posts of her blog, as well as this year's posts (skipped the in-between years). Folks who read her blog and who have also read her book say most of the material in the book is not on her blog, so it's "fresh reading". She's very down-to-earth and southern, and funny as heck about life.

Lisa said...

What a bummer that you didn't find some shoes that you liked. My guess is you need to make a "sacrafice" to the "shoe gods." heehee.

How funny that the first three letters of the word verification are HSN? Do they HAVE shoes on HSN?