Saturday, as I made her pose with her lips closed and the loose tooth poking out like Nanny McPhee, I mentioned that it would probably come out soon. She declared her intent to hold on to the tooth until Monday because her teacher, Mrs R, gives out a take-home box for lost teeth and she wanted to get one.

Sunday, the girls and I attended a baby shower where we took great delight in her 'showing off' that loose tooth and it's ability to essentially flip up like a trap door. In the words of the mom-to-be: "Oh, hack." My Mom was with us, and she offered to swing by her classroom to get one of the tooth-holders she gives her first graders. E2 readily agreed to that plan, and soon had a tooth-holder necklace in her possession.
Alas, Monday morning when I went to rouse her from bed and teasingly asked, "Is that tooth still in your mouth, or did it fall overnight?", she groggily sat up, mouth closed, looking bewildered. We found it just under the edge of her pillow; I suspect nocturnal thumb-sucking was the final push the tooth needed. Thankfully, she had a tooth necklace holder to wear to school that day. Also, E2 declared that it's much easier to eat now that the tooth is gone.
Mrs R keeps track of lost kg teeth on a chart in the classroom. It's a cute tooth shape, and they add smiling teeth stickers for each tooth lost by a student. A couple of months ago, she mentioned that in all the years she's taught Kg they usually average 20 teeth for the school year, but this class was already up around 25 lost teeth. E2's recent lost tooth brought the number to 38! "We had to flip the chart over and start putting stickers on the back, Mom!"
Since there's only three weeks of school left, E1 and I are contemplating punching two more teeth out for her to bring the number up to an even 40. However, E2 has prevailed upon us to wait and see if any other classmates come through with two more teeth.

Too cute!! I remember Andrew saying how nice it finally was to get that second top front loose tooth out, because eating became so much easier.
Oh, man, that is so cute. Love the Nanny McPhee pose. :) My first grader still has his top two, but one is sticking nearly straight out because he keeps pushing it with his tongue. Also, he's worried sick that it will come out at school because he's afraid it might bleed in which case he'll cry. Too bad his teacher doesn't give out a special box!
It's about time! I can't wait to see it in person next weekend.
Toothless smiles are the cutest!
Dang. That last comment was from me.
Oh, how fun! I'm waiting eagerly for my youngest to start losing her teeth...she's very eager for them to come out as she is always wiggling one and saying "It's loose! It's loose!" when really, its not. Just wishful thinking!
That is SO CUTE.
Love the Nanncy McPhee idea. Too funny.
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