I listened to Dana this morning on this:
Please note the beautiful pattern of my kitchen counter. Jealous, aren't you? Once upon a time I had a cd/cassette/radio in the kitchen, but it's been hijacked to E1 & E2's room so they can play cd's at bedtime. E3 wasn't out of bed yet (although it turns out she was awake) at 7:45 this morning, so I didn't want to blare one of the clock radios from the bedroom. Thus, I pulled this trusty, dusty item in from the garage. Usually reserved for listening to broadcasts of The Cardinals, today it was the vehicle for listening to Dana's debut on Allman in the Morning.

I didn't get to listen. And I'm bummed. How did it go? Am dying to know!
WOO! Lil' televisions rock!
Danke for listening.
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