E3 has a pair of red shoes, which she's dubbed her "Kindergarten Shoes". They will no longer fit her when she's old enough to attend school, but she loves wearing them all the time now and when I ask her to get shoes on so we can leave the house she'll exclaim in a 'light bulb moment' kind of way, "I'll get my Kindergarten shoes!"
Both E1 and E2 had a turn wearing these shoes, but only wore them on occassion; not nearly as avidly as E3 sports them. Everywhere we go, people compliment her red shoes and comment that they're just like Dorothy's. E3 looks at them quizzically, and then demurely replies, "They're my Kindergarten shoes." And giggles.
Tuesday, our school district held their annual birth to five developmental screenings and I scheduled E3 for 3pm, just before school dismissal. E2's teacher scheduled me to help in the Kindergarten classroom from 2-3pm the same day. I had a plan figured out: my brother-in-law Eric would still come over to hang out with E3 and F during naptime as usual, and would then walk them up to school just before 3pm. This was going to be tricky, because F is usually cranky when he awakes and there was a good chance that Eric would have to wake him from his nap. BUT! F's Dad Nelson would be around and could come by just before 3 to take F and then Eric would only have to walk E3. Smashing!
The night before the screenings, I spoke with Mrs R to let her know that I would need to leave the classroom a bit early for the screening appointment and thus, would not be able to read the class a story. And then...she invited E3 to come along while I helped in the classroom so we could go directly to our appointment. I didn't mention it to E3 in case she didn't wake from her nap before I had to leave, but she was up and ready 20 minutes before I left. And she was pumped.
She was a bit shy at first, but quickly settled into her role as a helper, handing out work mats and dinosaur counters to the kids in our group (E2 included), and listening quietly as they took turns telling us subtraction stories with their dinosaurs (many perished in the volcanoes). She also enjoyed following along to a Franklin audio book, and playing with toy dinosaurs before it was time for us to leave for our appointment.

I relayed the news of the classroom invite to my Mom via email last night. Her reply:
"Did she wear her Kindergarten shoes?"
Of course!
What a cute story, and the picture of the shoes is most cool.
The girls' school sounds fantastic, like the way school should be, but isn't often enough these days.
That is SO cute!LOVE that story.
Every girl deserves at least one pair of kindergarten shoes! Especially the red kind. What a fun day for her, I'm sure.
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