On paper, it looks like I've got everything covered. Oh, there are things still to do, and things still to pack, but I've got lists for those. There's the list of things to pack - with the packed stuff crossed off, and there's the list of things to do - which I've essentially re-written by assigning each thing to one of the days left before we depart. I KNOW, but the sad reality is that nothing makes me feel more sane and in control than making a list so I can SEE that I've not forgotten things and I can ADD other things I think of along the way...but I'm starting to feel like some paper recycling project gone horribly wrong.
In my immediate stack of Trip Stuff I have print-outs of the flight info for all three flights, car rental info, directions to vacation house, long-term airport parking info, various mileage-points card numbers, and the ever-growing (5 pages now, including web-sites) list of things we might want to do at our destinations. At the very end of all my stuff is the Excel calendar my father-in-law made for us that shows arrivals, departures, island hopping, and flight numbers for all.
The only reason I haven't created a Travel Binder, thus cementing my craziness, it that I don't know where I'd pack the darn thing. I keep thinking I won't need all those papers WITH me, but then I think it might be fun to look over the list in-flight (like I don't know it by heart - ALL FIVE PAGES), and what if we need the phone numbers listed in tiny print at the bottom of one of my pages? Ooh, I could organize the phone numbers we might need...
Also, I can't decide how much stuff I should bring to entertain myself during the flight. Will a book be enough? Should I bring a puzzle book? Really, I have three kids to keep an eye on so nothing like FlightPlan happens - will I even have time to read?
Then there are all the little things that keep popping up along the way...Girl Scout cookies to sell and turn in orders before we leave (because the forms are due while we're gone), Girl Scout meeting snack duties to swap with another Girl Scout because we were assigned the next meeting (which will be while we're gone), "Me in a box" project that KG just started in leiu of regular show-and-tell day assignments.

You're such a Virgo LOL!! I'm a listmaker too. And, yes, I'd probably have a binder of some type containing all that info in-hand during the flight . . . even if I did have it all memorized ;-) During the flight, I'd have my book and my Nintendo DS, tho in reality I'd very likely be chatting with Andrew most of the time and playing hangman with him and otherwise helping him not be so bored. (And I wouldn't go to sleep, cuz I saw FlightPlan LOL!!)
I know, I know.
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