E2 can sing, not just say, but SING the alphabet backwards.
She surprises us over and over again.
We're watching more Star Wars tonight, accompanied by a roaring fire. I'm finally going to tackle some of my list-making too. I need a list of ingredients for all the desserts I'm making for the Thanksgiving parties we're attending. I need to start a list of the things I have so far for Christmas, and the things I still need to get.
The Flylady has a Holiday Control Journal, or something of a similar title. It's very thorough, especially if you're hosting a party or traveling for the holidays. The main thing I found useful was the gift list in the back - where you can list who you need to buy for, what you want to buy, your spending limit, and then check off when you've made the purchase.
Flylady was also the inspiration for the master Vacation Packing List I have as a Word document. For our upcoming vacation I got to cross off diapers AND swim diapers. Today is officially Week 3 being Diaper Free for E3.
E1 gets to be Star Student when school resumes after Thanksgiving. Her teacher, Mrs W, has a bulliten board devoted to featuring the star student of the week. She has to fill in a questionnaire of favorite things, and bring in up to ten pictures of her/her life. I'll have to post her list of favorites when she completes it.
Tuesday, E2's Kg class and E1's third class took a joint field trip to The St Louis Arch and Museum of Westward Expansion. Rob attended as a chaperone; a bonus two field trips with one bus deal. Rob brought the camera, and got some good shots (one great one of him with the girls and their friends that someone shot for him). But alas, I don't want to take the liberty of posting other people's kids so you get this blurry group shot. Our two are: back row, blurry pink one fourth from the left, and front row, blurry blue one third from the left, kneeling in front of the pink one. They were to stop at a park for a picnic lunch on the way home, but that plan was thwarted by a cold November rain and they had to picnic in their classrooms.
List time!
That looks like it was chaotic but fun.
Hope your holiday is a happy one.
That's so cool that E2 can sing the alphabet backwards!!
I'd love to read E1's "ten" answers when she's done :-)
I love how all the kids are looking different directions, many with "let's stop this photo taking madness" expressions on!
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