Friday, July 07, 2006

Weekend of the 4th Recap

Sunday we held our annual party celebrating our move into this house. The guest list is mostly immediate family, with a few friends thrown in. Every year we discuss inviting more - this year E1 asked to invite a friend - but we usually fall back to the standard list. It gets bigger every year all on it's own anyway, what with our siblings and friends having babies.

Ten years ago (!), we moved in on a hot, hot, sweltering hot weekend. We kept the air conditioner off since we'd have the doors wide open most of the day. It was still 87 degrees in the house when I was ready to go to sleep. We ended up sleeping on the sofa bed in the basement to keep cool. We had been married almost a year and a half, we'd been trying to get pregnant for six months, and I was starting a new job that Monday.

In honor of the ten year anniversary, our air conditioner decided to fizzle out on us and eventually it was warmer in the house than it was outside. The basement wasn't much cooler. I slept in the basement with a fan directly on me, Rob and the girls were upstairs all with fans blowing of their own.

As I was getting the girls ready for bed, E1 expressed concern about not having air conditioning. She'd seen a commercial on TV that stated that no air conditioning can be deadly for the elderly and young children and she was afraid we might die. E2 began crying that she was going to be cold with a fan blowing on them all night - even if it was on E1's side of the bed. Assurances and blankets (GAH! HOT!) were doled out, and they were asleep.

We did have some water fun, a slip-n-slide, some buckets of water with cups for playing, a sprinkler, and the kids played with bikes and scooters...But the usual grown-up games of washers and wiffel ball were nowhere to be seen. I think a good time was had by all, despite the wilt-inducing weather, and once the sun went down it was quite nice out there. We got to enjoy the late, late company of Eric and Janet - another annual event.

On the 4th, we spent some time at the farm, where there was more water fun to beat the heat. Rob's cousin brought a giant inflatable water slide that kept the kids busy the entire time we were there. They stopped to eat, and make a trip or two to the bathroom, but otherwise they were up, down, up, down, all day. Rob thinks we should borrow it for our party next year.

Unfortunately, the quick-fix to our AC didn't hold and we're looking into other options. Today is all about laying low and keeping cool - which is just as well, because with the holiday thrown in there I'm not sure what day it is anyway.


Glenda said...

Ewwwwww, I have such huge sympathy for you not having a properly functioning A/C in the summer. I hope it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg, but I hope even more it gets fixed SOON. Trying to sleep in that warm of a house, even with fans blowing directly on you, just plain sucks. Sending many "cooler air" thoughts your way.

Lisa said...

Ughh. That SUCKS. I hope that gets fixed soon. You can come to MY house. Seth would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have three very pretty little girls to play with. :-)