The pinata became a flower, although a freakish one. The leaf I added wasn't quite to scale, and overall it looked a bit like a water-squirting lapel flower that a clown might wear. A really big clown. It was a bit soft and I thought it could have used another layer of paper mache, but at least it didn't take forever for the kids to crack.
Chris' is a lovely place to dine, just off of South Hampton in St. Louis - I think it's considered to be part of The Hill. We've eaten there many times, before Cardinal's games, before Bradley Childbirth classes, and sometimes just because. The girls love it because of the breakfast food on the menu. We stopped in last night after picking Rob up from work and before we headed to over to visit my father-in-law (he's doing well and came home today).
Wait!!! I missed something. Rob's dad is in the hospital? I need to go through your back posts to see what's going on.... If there's no info there... How's he doing?
Also, alas we didn't get to eat fried chicken. The wedding reception was at the Shrine. Very nice. Had some awesome beef and good baked chicken instead. It was a blast.
For us, Amy and Nelson's wedding was the most fun wedding ever... This one rivaled that.
Lisa, he had knee replacement surgery last week. He's doing great!
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