Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Previously Untitled

Does anyone know why it's suddenly so difficult to find Arm& Hammer powder laundry detergent?

I heard a report on the radio citing some study that found that women who suffer migraines are often likely to find relief after having a modified forehead lift. Plastic surgery fixes migraines! I DO have some lines in my forehead that I could do without...think insurance would cover that?

E3's cough is mostly better...but she's now shooting out Troll Bogies every time she sneezes and it isn't pretty. I'm wondering how long I should wait and see what happens with that. Things will probably jack-up on the funk-o-meter Friday evening as soon as the Dr's offices closes for the weekend.

I've been doing some cleaning, re-arranging, de-cluttering, which is mostly why I've been absent. It's been slow-going, but I feel like I'm accomplishing some things, so we'll see how long I stick with it. The more, the better!

Our trivia team tied for third with about five other teams; We're so AVERAGE. That won't stop us from trying again at another fundraiser next month - we're geeks that way.


Skunk smell is really only noticeable when it's humid - such as rainy days like today.

Excercise streak - not sure about Rob, but I started again yesterday...and I still need to hop on the bike tonight, so that's why this is such a crappy post.


Glenda said...

I've used Arm & Hammer Free for years now and can only find it in ONE store in this town! Not at either of our Walmart SuperCenters, not at Target, not at HEB (good-sized Texas-based grocery store chain). Only at Albertsons, and even then it's hit or miss on what size box I'll find. Ditto Downey Free fabric softener. Very frustrating.

Rodney has been suffering from what sounds like the similar crud E3 has. It lingers for a couple weeks, that's for sure. Have the rest of y'all managed to miss it?

Good luck with the new exercise streak. Tonight is supposed to be day 3 of mine, but Andrew and I are snuggled under the covers on his bed and neither of us are overly motivated to do anything other than what we're doing right now (him, playing his GameBoy; me, reading blogs; both of us, listening to Disney Channel on tv). It's not the working out that I'm avoiding -- it's the post-workout shower so near bedtime. (Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses LOL.)

Glenda said...

"Rodney has been suffering from what sounds like the similar crud E3 has."

Ick, that phrasing is horrible! Let me rephrase: It sounds like Rodney and E3 are suffering from the same crud.

There . . . that's better.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all is well at your house.

There's at least two packages coming for Amy's birthday. Both are small things. Hope she likes.

Glenda said...

Belated thought I had -- is E3 still running a fever? If she's not and you're comfortable that she doesn't have pneumonia (which is the big concern I'd have if she's coughing a lot still), I'd just let things run their course. If she is still running a fever, an office visit would be worth the peace of mind.

Nancy R said...

By the way, Glenda, E3 is no longer running a fever. Thanks!